Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mama Bear

I wanted to take a few minutes to give a BIG shout out to my Mama Bear. She is uber talented (although she doesn't want anyone to know because she has more work that she can handle with me!) 

When we moved to GR this summer I may have been a little overzealous in my Craigslist projects. I currently have a garage full of furniture that I want to redo. One of my purchases was a wingback chair. I had remembered my Mom recovering chairs before and I thought "cool, I'll buy this for $30 and pick out some amaze balls material and she'll help me." When I told her of my plan (after the chair had already been purchased) she told me she'd help me as long as I got all of the staples out. OUCH!!!

Hours and hours and multiple bloody knuckles later and I had removed all of the staples. I heard numerous times from Stefano as he sat there and watched "Why don't you just buy a chair?" Nope, this was going to be so easy once all of the staples were out. My parents came for the weekend and I was so excited to show her my progress. She saw the chair and was less than enthused when she saw it was a wingback. "Oh it's a wingback, I've never done one of those" was her response. 
I got some fabric from Jo-Ann's that I loved. Looking back on it I should have gotten something thicker so it was easier to work with. My Mom took the chair back to Madison to work on it and I helped her when I was there, but let's be honest, she did most of it. I LOVE it! How great of a job did she do people!?!?  Plan to put this gem in our living room in a little reading area…

She is also working on floor length drapes for my living room and bedroom and blackout Roman shades for Lucca's room. And a TON of pillows! I am a lucky lady to have her. 

Here's a preview of the Master Bedroom curtains

Mama hard at work teaching me how to make pillows :)

I got my fabric for the living and bedroom from Tonic Living. They have an excellent selection of really cool fabric and give great suggestions of others that would compliment one that you may choose. 
Here is a link to the fabric we're using for the living room. I'm obsessed!!

So a BIG thanks to my Mom for all her hard work, I get to see the almost finished product this weekend when they come vista me…errr, Lucca!

LOVE LOVE LOVE her and probably don't say it enough!


  1. Your mom is amazing. I wish I had those skills. Can't wait to see her work in the space. Blogger tip: when you link to something, you have the option to click the box "open in a new window." You want that. That keeps people from leaving your blog when they click on a link. Can't wait to thank your mom in person some day.
